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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

NEW Gokaiger Rumors

From dukemon22 of Rangerboard

"Rough Story"

-A Space Emprie invades the Earth. AkaRed leads the 34 Legendary Super Sentai against them, and they are able to push back the empire, by concentrating and combining their powers. However, there is a catch, by concentrating their powers, the rangers loose their powers. The Space Empire returns, and begins its invasion again.

Captain Marvelous then appears, who leads a team known as the Go-Kaiger to Earth in search of treasure, known as the "Ranger Keys".

-The Go-Kaiger utilize the cell-phone type henshin device, the "Mobairates" (Mobairetsu, i.e. Mobile + Pirates).

-A Sabre, and a gun, are their common sidearms

-Battles will take place on the deck of the Pirate Ship, as a homage to the Pirate movie genre

-More details will come, little by little, as we reach December. However, it would seem pictures are out already, somewhere.-

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