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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Kamen Rider OOO Upcoming Info and Movie Pics

From RangerBoard:

After Date left Japan, Kougami decides his successor to be Gotou.
Gotou sports a new safari jacket to show that he's now Birth.
On his hips, he has a case for Candroids. As he became Birth, he needed a more solid look to show that he's a warrior.
His fighting style has changed drastically.
But he hasn't forgotten what Date taught him.
Gotou calls himself "The Birth with a Deadline", he will wait for the day Date comes back to Japan, to fight as Birth.

Now that Gotou is the official Birth, Kougami rewards him with his own support, Satonaka.

Gotou uses a more aggressive fighting style and is passionate about using the Birth CLAWs.

Kougami believes that the full potential of Birth will come out with a support, thus he appoints Satonaka as the support.
However, Satonaka takes a break in the middle of a fight and let's the Gorilla Candroid take over.
Satonaka seems to only cause trouble for Gotou.

Even Kougami refers Doctor Maki as someone dangerous.
Maki is slowly turning into a Greeed with the purple Core Medals inside of him. Eiji is not an exception, the Core Medals inside him is turning Eiji into a Greeed as well.

Episode 41:
Shingo finally wakes up from his coma and causes confusion for Hina.
Shingo decides that he wants to help Eiji with fighting the Greeeds.

Episode 42 didn't have much interesting written. Just about Maki wanting to take Eiji's purple Core Medals.

The reason why Eiji is going all mix and match is because he is training himself. He wants to learn more about the OOO system.

Ankh (Lost) absorbs Ankh and powers up. Ankh is now as strong as PuToTyra.

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